List of houses

List of residential properies in the DH1 5SP postcode

1 Wolsingham Drive, Newton Hall, Durham, DH1 5SP
2 Wolsingham Drive, Newton Hall, Durham, DH1 5SP
3 Wolsingham Drive, Newton Hall, Durham, DH1 5SP
4 Wolsingham Drive, Newton Hall, Durham, DH1 5SP
5 Wolsingham Drive, Newton Hall, Durham, DH1 5SP
6 Wolsingham Drive, Newton Hall, Durham, DH1 5SP
7 Wolsingham Drive, Newton Hall, Durham, DH1 5SP
8 Wolsingham Drive, Newton Hall, Durham, DH1 5SP
9 Wolsingham Drive, Newton Hall, Durham, DH1 5SP
10 Wolsingham Drive, Newton Hall, Durham, DH1 5SP
11 Wolsingham Drive, Newton Hall, Durham, DH1 5SP
12 Wolsingham Drive, Newton Hall, Durham, DH1 5SP
14 Wolsingham Drive, Newton Hall, Durham, DH1 5SP
15 Wolsingham Drive, Newton Hall, Durham, DH1 5SP
16 Wolsingham Drive, Newton Hall, Durham, DH1 5SP
18 Wolsingham Drive, Newton Hall, Durham, DH1 5SP
20 Wolsingham Drive, Newton Hall, Durham, DH1 5SP
22 Wolsingham Drive, Newton Hall, Durham, DH1 5SP
24 Wolsingham Drive, Newton Hall, Durham, DH1 5SP
26 Wolsingham Drive, Newton Hall, Durham, DH1 5SP
28 Wolsingham Drive, Newton Hall, Durham, DH1 5SP
30 Wolsingham Drive, Newton Hall, Durham, DH1 5SP
32 Wolsingham Drive, Newton Hall, Durham, DH1 5SP
34 Wolsingham Drive, Newton Hall, Durham, DH1 5SP
36 Wolsingham Drive, Newton Hall, Durham, DH1 5SP
38 Wolsingham Drive, Newton Hall, Durham, DH1 5SP
40 Wolsingham Drive, Newton Hall, Durham, DH1 5SP
42 Wolsingham Drive, Newton Hall, Durham, DH1 5SP

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Further information has been gathered from public sources, primarily Durham County Council, plus the Land Registry, estate agents and landlord websites. There is no personal information.